A memorable day in Tai O with our inbound exchange students

On October 26, 2024, the Centre for Global Engagement organized an enriching cultural tour for our inbound students at Tai O, a charming fishing village known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes. This trip provided an excellent opportunity for our inbound exchange students and their buddies to bond while immersing themselves in the…

English Language, Global Business and Social Issues Programme – Hertford College, Oxford University

Hertford College, one of the oldest of Oxford University’s 38 colleges, was founded in 1282. Located in the center of historic Oxford, the beautiful college boasts the Bridge of Sighs, which is one of the most famous sights of the city. This is an ideal setting for students wishing to improve their language skills and…

Insightful ‘Digital Platforms and Innovation’ talk by Professor Ruiqi Wei from Emlyon Business School

On October 23, Hong Kong Shue Yan University had the honor of welcoming Dr. Ruiqi Wei, an Associate Professor of Marketing at Emlyon Business School in France, which is ranked 63rd globally by the QS World University Rankings by Subject for 2024. Dr. Wei delivered an insightful talk titled “How do Digital Platforms Drive Innovation?”…

學生獲獎-杭州的數字人文觀察短視頻競賽2024 Student Awards – 2024 Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip

本校學生於今年五月參加了香港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團,進行文化考察和知識交流。學生們以影片記錄沿途所見所聞,分享他們在交流團中的體驗和得著。影片及後用於參與杭港青少年交流共創計劃之2024杭州的數字人文觀察短視頻競賽,本校學生在競賽中發揮出色表現,榮獲冠亞季軍,優秀短片頒獎儀式亦於九月九日圓滿舉行。 In May, our students participated in the Hong Kong Shue Yan University Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip to, engaging in cultural exploration and knowledge exchange. Throughout the journey, the students documented their experiences and observations in videos, which were subsequently submitted for the 2024 Digital Humanities Observation Short Video Competition. Our students performed…

Connect with the Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau and Tel Aviv University

On September 3, 2024, the Centre for Global Engagement at HKSYU had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong. This visit represents a significant step towards enhancing academic and cultural exchanges between our university and Israeli institutions. The delegation, led by Mr. Amir Lati, Consul General of…

香港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團 2024 Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip

於2024年5月14日,我校30名學生飛往杭州,展開為期5天的「2024杭港青少年交流共創計畫暨香港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團」。杭州市政協主席馬衛光、副主席馮仁強、秘書長柴世民、香港樹仁大學學術副校長陳蒨教授亦一同參與此次活動。 On 14 May 2024, a delegation of 30 students from our university embarked on a 5-day “2024 Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip” to Hangzhou. The delegation was accompanied by esteemed representatives from the Hangzhou Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress (CPPCC), including Chairman MA Weiguang, Vice Chairman FENG Renqiang, and Secretary-General CHAI Shimin….

PKU Summer School International ━ Peking University

PKU Summer School International ━ Peking University Introduction Summer study at Peking University will provide you with an exciting and enriching experience. With its unique location in Beijing, the capital city, as well as the political, cultural, financial and economic hub of China, the program will offer you all the conveniences and amenities of living in a…

Summer Study Abroad Program – Thammasat University

Introduction Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand, offers a summer program for you to experience the local culture, visit museums, and discover the hidden gems of Bangkok. Excursions to famous sites such as the Grand Palace and the ancient city of Ayutthaya will also be organised. Please note that credit transfer is NOT acceptable for summer…

Delightful Istanbul 2024 Summer School – Istanbul Aydin University

Delightful Istanbul 2024 Summer School ━ Istanbul Aydin University Introduction With 10 specially designed courses to choose from, you can learn from quality courses while enjoying the intercultural environment. You also get the chance to discover the top attractions of Turkey through weekend tours. Delightful Istanbul Summer School was first launched in 2014 and attracted…

English Language, Global Business and Social Issues Programme – Hertford College, Oxford University

English Language, Global Business and Social Issues Programme – Hertford College, Oxford University Introduction Hertford College, one of the oldest of Oxford University’s 38 colleges, was founded in 1282. Located in the centre of historic Oxford, the beautiful college boasts the Bridge of Sighs, which is one of the most famous sights of the city. This…