香港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團 2024 Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip

於2024年5月14日,我校30名學生飛往杭州,展開為期5天的「2024杭港青少年交流共創計畫暨香港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團」。杭州市政協主席馬衛光、副主席馮仁強、秘書長柴世民、香港樹仁大學學術副校長陳蒨教授亦一同參與此次活動。 On 14 May 2024, a delegation of 30 students from our university embarked on a 5-day “2024 Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip” to Hangzhou. The delegation was accompanied by esteemed representatives from the Hangzhou Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress (CPPCC), including Chairman MA Weiguang, Vice Chairman FENG Renqiang, and Secretary-General CHAI Shimin….