
The 12th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS)

  • Date: 6-9 August 2024
  • Venue: United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Application deadline: 25 March 2024
  • Application link: expired

Hangzhou Digital Humanity Exchange and Investigation Trip

  • Date: 14-18 May 2024
  • Venue: Hangzhou, Mainland China
  • Number of participants: 30
  • Sponsored by: Friends of Hong Kong Association of Hangzhou CPPCC members
  • Sponsorship amount: HK$100,000

Business and System Innovation Challenge (BASIC) 2023

  • Theme: Encouraging Digital Innovation in All Aspects
  • Details: The competition consists of two tracks: UI/UX Competition and IT-Business Case Competition. BINUS University will partner with Bank BCA (Bank Central Asia) to address various business cases through an information technology approach and UI/UX Design
  • Registration deadline: A team of 3 undergraduates from any major can register for the competition free of charge by 24 July.
  • Registration link: expired
  • Preliminary Round (Online):
    • Case distribution on 27 July.
    • Case solving on 27 July – 10 August.
    • Top 5 finalists announcement on 22 August.
  • Final Round (Onsite):
    • Seminar, technical meeting, case distribution on 29 August.
    • Case solving on 30 August.
    • Final presentation and winner announcement on 31 August.

The 11th University Scholars Leadership Program 2023 (USLS)

  • Date: 1-4 August 2023
  • Venue: United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Content: To ensure the social responsibility of fulfilling your aspirations to build a better world – Program Schedule
  • Application deadline: Early bird closing on 17 April 2023
  • Application link: expired


  • 主辦機構: 吉林省港澳辦、香港駐京辦、澳門駐京辦
  • 日期: 2023年6月8-9日
  • 地點: 長春巿吉林動畫學院
  • 主題: 彙聚青春力量  共創美好未來
  • 截止報名日期: 2023年5月29日
  • 報名詳情: 已截止
    • 參加者須自行安排機票、食宿、當地交通、保險等事項,並支付相關費用。
    • 有意報名參加吉港澳青年節的老師同學,請於5月29日(星期一)中午前,電郵國際事務部(studyabroad@hksyu.edu)